Evidence, data and monitoring

Conservation Area Assessments and Management Plans

Conservation Areas vary greatly in their nature and character, but they each contribute towards the creation of a sense of place and can assist in the wider aims of place shaping. The Bradford District contains 57 designated Conservation Areas ranging from historic town and city centres to idyllic rural villages to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal which passes through the district.

The Government, through planning legislation, requires that each Conservation Area has an up-to-date Conservation Area Assessment and that these are reviewed every five years. The Design and Conservation Team completed Conservation Area Assessments for each area between 2002 - 2006. Each assessment provided a thorough account of the background and the current state of the area. The main aims were to:

  • Defined the character and special historic interest of the area;
  • Identified what is important and should be preserved;
  • Identified where there are opportunities for change; and
  • Put forward management proposals as to how the character and interest of the area can be preserved or enhanced.

The Conservation Area Assessments are also used as a tool in the determination of planning applications in the area and the targeting of resources. They may also form the basis of an application for funding to repair derelict properties, restore traditional features and other environmental works.

The Design and Conservation Team are now in the process of reviewing all the Conservation Areas and producing Conservation Area Appraisals which builds upon the Conservation Area Assessments to identify any changes which have occurred since the initial assessment.

Further details of the Assessment Programme can be found on in the Conservation and Design Conservation Areas section of the website.

Alternatively please contact 01274 434605.